Sunday, November 17, 2019

Using Book, Head, Heart to Support Reading Comprehension

Are you looking for ways for your students to think deeply and differently about texts? I have found one that I love and that has changed the way my students think about the texts they read. In Disruptive Thinking by Kylene Beers and Robert E. Probst, they introduce us to a reading strategy called Book, Head, Heart (BHH). This strategy helps students think deeper, synthesize their learning, and make real life connections. 

Book, Head, Heart has specific questions for students to think about while they read. It moves them beyond the text and ignites critical thinking skills. Beers and Probst suggest that "Reading is about growing, about changing who we are, about helping us see ourselves in the world from a slightly different perspective." pg. 69.

I start by introducing Book, Head, Heart during Read Aloud. This way students hear me modeling my thinking about BHH before they try it on their own. Students are also able to have collaborative conversations and self discovery during this time.
My favorite questions from Book, Head, Heart:
Book-What does the author want us to know?
Head- What surprised me? 
Heart- How will this book help me become a better person?

These questions are also great when conferring with your students to see their thinking and what area students are struggling. 

Click here for a copy of this BHH handout for your students to use.

I added Signposts because we also talk about Beers and Probst' Signposts and how they can help us as reader to Notice and Note when we are reading. If students Notice and Note a Words of the Wiser it often ties into the life/heart lesson and add we add that quote to our Reading Graffiti Wall
This helps students dig deep to find the the theme/heart lesson of the book they are reading. 

Have you heard of Book, Head, Heart? How do you implement this strategy in your classroom?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Gratitude Challenge

Gratitude is a trait I have been trying to help my students cultivate this year. Each day when they check in, they reflect and share one thing they are grateful for. I love reading what they are thankful for! It is easy to take what we have for granted. 

I am initiating a Gratitude Challenge for my students starting tomorrow. I am going to "challenge" them to write a note to one person each day saying thank you for something they do for them.
I created a calendar with a different person each school day until Thanksgiving break. I am going to print one off for each student. They can color in the box after they complete that "challenge". The goal is to spread an attitude of gratitude throughout our classroom and entire school.

Click here to grab a copy of this Gratitude Challenge!
 I will print out leaves for students to write their notes on and encourage them to write and deliver one a day.

Teachers and other staff members can join in too! Let's grow our own gratitude and thankful attitudes while encouraging those around us. During a time of year that can be stressful and busy, let's model for and teach our students what really matters.

I hope you will participate in the Gratitude Challenge!

Celebrating Student Writing

  "If it is worth learning, it is worth celebrating." I have always believed in celebrating students in big and small ways. I rece...