Saturday, August 28, 2021

Closing the Gap Choiceboard

In order to help my teachers wrap their minds around the Accelerated Instruction that must be done for students that did not pass STAAR, I created a Closing the Gap choice board to help them easily plan for what all students would be working on while the teacher pulled small groups.

This choiceboard was inspired by Stephanie Howell's this or that choice board ideas. It gives students choice while providing differentiation and meaningful activities for all students to be creative, collaborate, and grow.
 Click here to view and make your own copy. 

The This or That boxes can be changed and adapted to focus on skills your students need to review. You could also have 2 or 3 different choice boards that you share based on student levels. Work with teammates to come up with activities. You can change the subjects at the top, add a column or delete one. Set your expectations with your students. Must complete one activity from each subject area or one from reading and math by the end of the week or 2 weeks.
Make it work for you and your students!

Share with students in Schoology so they can assess links in the choice board. You could also print off for those who need a physical checklist.

I plan on talking with my teams at our weekly planning to help come up with engaging activities to make our Closing the Gap time for students purposeful but stress free for teachers.

How are you Closing the Gap with your students?

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