At our Data Digs this last week, we dove into Performance Matters to help analyze our most recent DPM data. We were able to find great data with Performance Matters that helped us create small groups based on TEKS, look at what we may need to reteach whole group, and what we need to change in our teaching to help students better understand a concept.
It took some trial and error with in Performance Matters to find what we were looking for. A 5th grade teacher helped me find (or what we think is) the best way to manipulate Performance Matters to get the information we want. I created some help sheets that give step by step directions to get to the data you may want and some questions to reflect on along the way.
Grab a copy of the help sheets here!
Please let me know if you have any questions or if you have found other ways to sort data in Performance Matters that you find useful.