Sunday, September 15, 2019

Beginning of the Year Thoughts

I can't believe we have almost been in school a month already! I have loved getting to know my students and build relationships with them. I get so excited of the possibilities of a new year and all I hope to accomplish with my students, but I also have to remind myself teaching is a marathon not a sprint. My students need me at my best each day of the year!

I wanted to share with you, as well as remind myself of, some thoughts that are crucial for us as educators to remember throughout the whole year!

1. You are ENOUGH! 
You don't need to be the teacher/administrator next door, down the hall, or the one you see on Twitter. What you are doing inside your classroom for your students is all that matters! Yes, you should strive to do your best and challenge yourself each day but do not compare yourself to other teachers. Grow your PLN. Plant yourself next to those who encourage and support you.

Teaching is an all encompassing job and can consume our lives. Make sure to prioritize what must get done and what can wait. There will always be more we can do. Use your planning time with your team wisely and come prepared with ideas and the what, so you can discuss the how and plan engaging and relevant lessons together. Ask for help if you need it. Make time for you and your family!

3. Set GOALS!
When I set goals, I work harder to achieve them! Goals keep me focused on what I can do to improve myself in order to help my students. Goals help me see the big picture and cause me to reflect, make changes if needed, and keep pushing on. Share your struggles and celebrations with your students. Try something new and help your students set goals as well. Remember progress over perfection!

4. Continue to build RELATIONSHIPS and classroom COMMUNITY!
This is the backbone and heartbeat of your classroom! When you build relationships students trust you and trust leads to learning. Try Friday #lunchbunch with your students! You can read more about building community here.

5. You are the ONE!
I believe your students were chosen for you. They are in your classroom for a reason! 
Embrace them, love them, encourage them, push them, build them up, and help them to grow as a person and a learner. You can make a huge difference in their life. Please be the teacher that teaches the student and not just the curriculum. 

Here's to the best year yet! 

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