As teachers we know the importance of reading each day and that regression can occur over breaks. I like to encourage my students in fun ways to read and write over the Holiday break.
Here are 4 ways you can encourage your students:
1. Reading Incentive-
This incentive encourages students to read 30 minutes a day. You could set it for less if you have younger students. You can send the letter home to parents along with the reading mug. The top readers will get to have breakfast with me when we return in January. We will eat and talk about the books we have read. Yes, I will be reading over break and keeping track too to show my students.
Click here to grab a copy of my letter and mug that I will be sending home with my students next week.
2. Who's Reading What?-
I am also going to share a collaborative document with my students in Google Classroom so we can see in live time the books being read and get ideas and recommendations over break! I am excited to see all the books being read and the pictures that will come in! Click here to grab a copy!
3. Christmas Break Journal-
If I'm encouraging reading, I am definitely going to encourage writing too! I love hearing from students over break. I will share this Christmas Break Journal in Google Classroom with my students. I can easily respond back to them and show I care even over the holiday. (I will not respond everyday. I will take time to enjoy my break and family too.) Even if you don't respond over break, students will be collecting writing ideas and can share with one another when we return in January.
Click here for a copy.
If I'm encouraging reading, I am definitely going to encourage writing too! I love hearing from students over break. I will share this Christmas Break Journal in Google Classroom with my students. I can easily respond back to them and show I care even over the holiday. (I will not respond everyday. I will take time to enjoy my break and family too.) Even if you don't respond over break, students will be collecting writing ideas and can share with one another when we return in January.
Click here for a copy.
4. Reading Bingo from Capstone-
This is another cute option to share with students over break that I found from Capstone Reading on reading that makes reading fun. It offers several creative ideas for reading!
I already have a stack of books I'll be reading over break! Remember to model what you teach and preach. :) How do you encourage reading and writing over the break?