Conferring is a very important component of Reading and Writing Workshop.
Conferring provides individualized instruction for each student. I gain valuable knowledge about students' reading and writing through each conference and gives students confidence as well.
It is important to take notes while conferring. I am always tweaking the way I take and manage conferring notes. I have used many different ways like sticky notes, notebooks, OneNote. I recently created a Google Form for me to quickly fill out when I meet with the child. Click here to see my Reading Conference Form.
My favorite thing about my digital form I love the most is that I can filter my Google Sheets by homeroom, student name, skill, reading level, etc. This helps me see what area a majority of my students are struggling with and where growth is happening. Then, I can easily create a small group or mini lesson on what is needed for my students. I also have a record of conferences for the whole year in one place for student data.
Here is a copy of my writing form as well. You can add any questions you want to make the form personal to you and your class. How to you organize your conferring notes?