Saturday, May 4, 2019

Jumpstart Summer Reading

I absolutely love having extra time to read more books off my list during the summer, and I love helping students create their own Reading List to jumpstart their summer reading!

I just implemented First Chapter Friday, where I read only the blurb and the first chapter of the book. While I read students soak in the chapter, and then turn and talk with their partners about their thoughts, questions, and if they want to read the rest. I make sure to choose a variety of genres, styles of writing, and authors. This helps ensure each student will find one book they might want to read or open the door to different genres and authors for some readers.
(Click the above photo for a copy)
Students can then scan the QR code and leave their thoughts to share with each other on our class Padlet. I love reading their opinions and emotions after only hearing one chapter. They can also add the book and author to their Summer Reading List paper or on Google Keep if they want.  (This is a great time to help students set up Google Keep if you haven't already. :)

(Click the above photo for a copy)

I will also host one last Book Tasting the last Friday of the year and give my students the opportunity to read many first chapters and add to their Summer Reading List. These First Chapter Fridays really build the excitement around reading! I have already have students buy the books from their lists, and it's not even summer yet!!

Since I know students can't buy every book on their Summer Reading List, I encourage them to visit the library and share one of my favorite apps Libby with them and their parents. You simply add your library card, and you instantly have the library at your fingertips!!

What is on your Summer Reading List?

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